Thursday, November 13, 2008

Human Sexuality Statistics

Probably, to much not a secret human sexuality statistics more and more men become impotent men. With the years sexuality leaves. And with it can disappear and a family. Giving not enough time to second half without satisfying it. Here I had that did not wait. Sadly. Did not begin to despair, has decided to search for the reasons. It has appeared. The impotence meets often enough, over 40 % of men at the age of 35-45 years is an official statistics. The reasons:

1 Alcohol and tobacco use
2 Stress
3 Health condition
4 Anxiety
5 Brain or spinal-cord injuries
6 Guilt
7 Multiple sclerosis
8 Depression
9 Parkinson's disease
10 Low self-esteem
11 Radiation therapy to the testicles
12 Previous bad experiences
13 Stroke
14 Partners' attitude to sex
15 Some types of prostate or bladder surgery
16 Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

In most cases at young men about 25-35 years are elderly, эректильная dysfunction has a psychogenic original cause which in most cases successfully dares the sexopathologist-psychologist. It is more preferable, if a course there pass both partners. My age of 40 years, by councils of the familiar beginnings to search for medical products. Has read a lot of information. It is necessary for me that the given means was on the basis of herbs and did not bring collateral actions, and also was released without the recipe. There were many kinds of medical products offer the Internet. Has stopped on ProVigraX. (For more information visit: Product Information) Yes the miracle happens, not at once and not in 30 minutes as confirmed on a site. It is visible for excitement in an hour, I felt eighteen summer. A month I use it. The spouse is happy simply, I am happy. There is an exit it is simply excellent. I am happy. So we will change human sexuality statistics to the best.
Write, ask questions. Tomashenk [akk]


Che said...

Thanks helpful. I'll try to apply. Now heading courses from a psychologist.

james said...

Thanks for sharing this, These are the best solution to check their tolerance for the beginners.Disfunzione erettile rimedi